“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world."
Our clients come with a range of surface activities they want to accomplish: host a grand opening event, set up a social media presence, redesign a website, or launch a product line. These are generally key deliverables in support of a grander vision. MnM Consulting works with clients to dig deeper and find out what the client is ultimately looking for, the Core Outcomes. These Core Outcomes are the main focus of our clients and therefore are the main focus of each one of our strategic recommendations.
- The professional service provider looking to have a big opening reception truly needs to fill the first six months of her schedule.
- The author who wants to set up a social media presence is actually seeking to build a platform upon which he can sell his book, ads on his web page, his speaking services, and any other spin off products he might wish to attach to his brand.
- The property manager looking for a website redesign is needing to merge three business interests into one and increase his referral rate by 30% in the next 90 days.
- The artist looking to launch a product line ultimately needs a holistic brand identity encompassing audience identification and key word targeting along with strategic marketing and promotion.
MnM Consulting is uniquely able to distill the needs of our clients and determine the best set of strategic tools to address those Core Outcomes. Our timely and targeted campaigns take into account our clients’ organizational identity, project budget, schedule, personnel, location and personality to develop a tailored plan designed to meet the Core Needs of the business.
Core Needs / Core Outcomes
Action Items
Once you have your Core Outcomes outlined, it's time to develop a strategic plan of action items to achieve your goals. MnM Consulting will advise on the best marketing and communications tactics and then work WITH you to put your plan into action.
Brand Your Vision
MnM Consulting will help you build your brand identity. Your BRAND is the clear representation of your business or organization's MISSION, your VISION for where you want to go and the VALUES that drive you. This brand identity determines who your customer is, how you reach that customer and what you say to your customers once you have their attention.